Patricia 2nd February 2013

Today at around 8.30 4 years ago your heart stopped no pain, no fuss just stopped, you were worn out and tired. That day at 8.30 when I got to work and took the call from dad that he was worried my heart missed a beat. Friends said go just go drive carefully the snow was so deep and off I went driving as carefully as I could to find dad with Sue one of his carers at the door in tears. "Shes gone" was all he could say panic hit me what, when, how could my mom just be gone. Sue made us a cup of tea while I rang Andie my husband with the news and then had to break it to my sister and my beautiful girls. Emily was away at uni and Katie was at school life would never be the same. Poor dad was devasted he had lost his soul mate, we had lost a wonderful mother and grandmother in the fleeting moment that her heart stopped. Not a day goes by when I dont look at your picture or see or here something that reminds me of you and now I can smile at those memories finally looking back past that awful day. Im glad you didnt suffer, Im glad you werent in pain and now you are a wonderful star up in the night sky along with dad watching over us all. I hope you are proud of us all sleep peacfully my dearest mom till we are altogether again. xx